The rising global power demand, more and more needs to be met with Regenerative Energies, such as biomass, wind, solar and hydropower. Taking into account the continuous depletion of fossil fuels which consistently leads to rising energy prices Renewable Energy sources present a promising opportunity for sustainable and profitable power generation.

A study published in May 2011 by the IPCC suggests that, considering the current growth rates in the renewable energy sector, it is perfectly reasonable to assume a 77% worldwide power demand coverage by renewable energy sources by 2050. In 2009 the wind power sector grew at a rate of 32% and solar power respectively at a rate of 53%.

Wind Power:

Jointly with a special purpose company set up in Poland, Smart Capital planed and realized the funding and construction of a 4,25 MW state of the art wind power plant in Stramnica, Poland just 4 kilometers off the coast of the Baltic sea. The total investment amounted to more than € 8 million. The fund is established for an indefinite period but investors can rely on annual cash distributions until the project is ultimately sold off.

Solar Power:

After the successful placement of our wind energy fund our most recent involvement lies in the creation of a fund, similar to the existing one in wind power, in the field of photovoltaics. Well approved due diligence procedures and valuation techniques find their application in the selection process for an optimal company portfolio. Additionally constant solar irradiation, sophisticated technology and European wide incentive schemes create a profound basis for a successful investment.